I wish you my children to see through panoramic vision and you can only do so if you see through your inner eyes, My eyes. 我希望你们,我的孩子,通过全景的视野去看;并且你只能如此,如果你通过你内在的双眼&我的双眼去看。
The ultimate outcome of this issue through the simulation of panoramic vision system imaging mechanism to study and obtained a series of panoramic vision system imaging law. 本课题最末解果非通功仿实试验闭于齐景视觉体解败像机理入行研讨,并得到一解列齐景视觉体解败像法则。
An improved unwrapping processing method is brought forward based on forward mapping and the imaging feature of hyperboloidal catadioptric panoramic vision system. 本文根据双曲面折反射全景视觉系统成像特点,提出了一种基于前向映射的全方位图像解算的改进算法。
Improved Unwrapping Processing Method for Panoramic Vision Images Based on Forward Mapping 基于前向映射的全景视觉图像解算方法
American suggests breadth, width and heft: a bigger, more panoramic vision. 美国意味着宽度、广度和分量:一种更大、更为全景式的景象。
Research on the Panoramic Imaging System with High Resolution and Its Vision Application 高分辨率全景成像系统及其视觉应用研究
On the foundation of this, the paper designed a hyperboloid reflector based panoramic vision system and put it into practice, and designed a scheme on specified problems of hyperboloid reflector and panoramic vision system. 在此基础上,本文对基于双曲面反射镜的全景视觉系统进行了设计,进行了实际的加工制作,并就双曲面反射镜和全景视觉系统的标定问题进行了方案设计。
This paper did mainly research in panoramic vision environment perceptual system. 本论文主要就全景视觉系统进行了研究。
The paper put emphasis on research of image revert arithmetic of panoramic vision system and proposed several practicable arithmetic and compared them on the operation speed and fidelity. 本文还重点就全景视觉系统图像还原算法进行了研究,提出了几种实用的算法,并对几种算法在运算速度和图像逼真度上进行了比较。
The paper firstly expatiated some correlative optical knowledge related to panoramic vision, based on which the paper discussed panoramic vision imaging theory deeply and attained several applicable panoramic reflector curve. 本文首先阐述了涉及全景视觉的一些相关光学知识,并在此基础上对全景视觉成像机理进行了深入的探讨,得到了适合于实际需要的几种全景反射镜面型曲线。
Now, the most extensively concerned panoramic vision awareness technologys mainly include using hyperbolic reflective mirror and fish eye lens. 目前被广泛关注的全景视觉感知技术主要是采用反射镜和鱼眼镜头两种方法。
However, panoramic vision system shot to get the perspective image is at the expense of the image distortion. 然而全景视觉系统拍摄得到的大视野图像是以图像畸变为代价的,畸变产生的原因很多,包括全景的结构设计、镜面参数的选择和相机性能参数等。
The panoramic vision acquires all visual information of the three dimensional space once, the visual area could be more extensive than the hemisphere ( 360 ° x 180 °). 全景视觉是指一次获得大于半球视场(360°×180°)的三维空间的全部视觉信息。
As the bi-camera based SLAM has shortcomings as high calibration complexity and high cost, this article proposes Panoramic Vision Based Monocular SLAM System. 针对双目SLAM系统存在的摄像机标定复杂度高以及代价比较昂贵等缺点,本文提出了一种基于全景视觉的单目SLAM系统。
Comparing with the panoramic vision and binocular vision, monocular vision has several advantages, such as simple structure, flexible motion and easy to calibration. 单目视觉传感器相对于全景视觉传感器、双目视觉传感器,具有结构简单、运动灵活、易于标定的优点。
Design the panoramic vision unfolding method based on the look-up table. 2, DSP processor is selected for the embedded high-resolution panoramic vision processing system. Design the panorama visual ping-pong buffer based on the characteristics of memory and panoramic vision unfolding algorithm. 确定嵌入式高分辨率全景视觉处理系统的处理器,研究各种存储器和全景视觉展开算法的特点,设计基于乒乓缓存的全景视觉展开方法及系统结构。
Panoramic vision system to achieve imaging mechanism simulation, this simulation system can further study the mechanism of panoramic imaging. 实现全景视觉系统成像机理仿真,通过此仿真系统可以进一步研究全景成像机理。
Homing experiment system was constructed and moving track of robot was recorded by dead reckoning method. To improve the positioning accuracy, the robot tracked skid was compensated and azimuth error was corrected using angle estimation based on panoramic vision. 构建了完整的实验系统,采用推算式定位方法记录机器人在实验过程中的轨迹,对履带打滑进行补偿,利用全景视觉校正机器人的方位角,提高推算式定位方法的精度。
Our work includes several aspects: 1. The research on the active stereo panoramic vision sensor. 本文工作主要有以下三个方面:1.主动式立体全景视觉获取方法的研究。
The main content as follows: 1, Introduced the architecture of embedded high-resolution panoramic vision system. Mathematical model of panoramic vision system is derived. Analyze the characteristics of unfolding algorithm depending on the definition of the coordinate scale. 本文主要内容如下:一、介绍嵌入式高分辨率全景视觉系统结构,推导全景视觉系统数学模型,根据不同的坐标标度定义分析各种展开方法的特点,设计全景视觉系统查表展开实现方法。
In order for people to gain a panoramic vision of stereotype and to pave the way for the present study, so in chapter 1 I delineate the background of the study. Such important related concepts as culture, communication and intercultural communication are reviewed and clarified. 为了使人们能对定势有一个较全面的认识,并为本文所作研究铺平道路,论文第一章介绍了跨文化交际以及和文化定势有着密切关系的定义&文化,交际及跨文化交际。
This paper deeply studied robot visual homing based on natural landmark used panoramic vision sensor. First, we studied on extracting natural landmark from the panoramic image. 本文采用全景视觉传感器对基于自然路标的机器人归航技术进行了深入研究。论文首先研究了全景图像中的自然路标提取问题。
A complete panoramic vision system consists of panoramic visual sensors, image capture part, image processing part, the image display and other components. 一套完整的全景视觉系统由全景视觉传感器、图像捕获部分、图像处理部分、图像显示部分等组成。
Panoramic vision system has been widely used in robot navigation, Mars exploration, video surveillance, fire rescue, virtual reality, environmental sensing technology, and many other areas of civilian or military, for its characteristics of large angle of view. 全景视觉系统具有视场范围大的特点,当前已经广泛地应用在机器人导航、空间探测、视频监控、火险救灾、虚拟现实、环境感知技术等民用或军用领域,而且系统结构种类繁多,各有特色。
Design display mode of the panoramic vision processing system. 全景视觉处理系统显示模式设计。
The traditional image capture device of which the field of view is narrow could not meet the demand of macro information of the whole scene, but panoramic vision can achieve a comprehensive capture of the scene information. 传统窄视角的普通摄像头已经不能满足场景信息宏观层次的分析需求,而新兴的全景视觉拍摄装置能够一次性抓拍周围场景的全部信息。
The demo show that the design could make targets up to panoramic vision, achieve real-time streaming audio and video synchronized media experience. 经过实际测试和对比分析表明,设计目标系统图像可达水平全景,音视频同步且实时。
Present the structure of panoramic vision system usually be made up of a CCD camera plus a reflector. The most typical reflector equation is hyperbola. Traditional panoramic vision system used more common CCD cameras and the resolution is often limited by the camera. 当前全景视觉系统多为通用CCD相机加双曲面反射镜结构,受相机限制分辨率往往不会很高。
Then, this thesis studies the triangle localization and the mutual localization of the mobile robot on the basis of the panoramic vision system, and the corresponding calculation formulas are inferred. 然后研究了基于全景视觉系统下的机器人三角定位法和相互定位法,推导出了相应的计算公式。
Traditional panoramic vision system uses the computer as image acquisition, processing and display equipment. Sometimes the volume, power, real-time have a certain requirement, the traditional is difficult to meet the design requirements. 传统的全景视觉系统采用计算机作为图像的采集、处理和显示设备,在一些对体积、功耗、处理实时性有一定要求的场合,传统方式难易满足设计要求。